Summer is over

I had all good intentions over the summer, to try to complete 1 painting a week. Unfortunately the weeks came and went and I managed just a few, but quite a lot of thinking.

Firstly, I finished this commission of Chandos Motors on Albany Road, Earlsdon, Coventry. This is a combination of buildings, some of which have now been demolished to make way for more flats. The railway house remains however. This was a special piece completed for my brother and included his car with my mum sat inside. She was raised in Earlsdon and once had her hair done in the upstairs of the railway house when it was a hairdressers many years ago.

I also started to think about spaces I am inspired by outside of Coventry. First up was Keighley Diesels on Bradford Road in Keighley. I pass this garage when visiting family. I love the lettering and reflections. It is a busy garage that is still going strong. I have other places to draw in Keighley too; there is a great newsagents just up the road and a few miles away there is Salts Mill, my favourite of all places up north.

This piece is a small study for a potential larger painting, it is the subway under the ring road from St Osburgs which brings you out by The Gatehouse Tavern. This is felt tip and pen on card, but I was impressed how the colours glowed. There is definite scope for a subway range.

So back to teaching next week, with more structure to the day it is likely I will manage to create more. I’m also creating a new workspace at home, so that is exciting. I hope you have had a good summer too!!

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