2023 – A Summary of ups and downs

It has been a strange year, lots of things have interrupted my focus on art and In that time I have taken a slightly new approach to things. Over Christmas 2022 my husband took very poorly with COVID and was in hospital for a few weeks. He was back home at the end of JanuaryContinue reading “2023 – A Summary of ups and downs”

A love for buildings over time

I have always had a love of buildings. These photos of mini shrine type structures are work from my degree show back in 1994 and were based on the architectural forms I spotted on travels. My degree was in ceramics and I was drawn to fragile buildings, textures, small windows and doors, archways and chimneys.Continue reading “A love for buildings over time”

Stirring Memories

By far the most exciting thing about completing a painting is the feedback I hear from people who share memories or any feeling the paining has evoked. These two paintings from the Coventry collection have received the most lovely and personal feedback over the last few months, some of the memories shared are so specialContinue reading “Stirring Memories”